Monday, October 28, 2013

I Have a Dream

     There was once a year where part-time workers were not frowned upon, where customers knew they would not even have stores to shop in if there were no part-time workers, where every bit of assistance was valued. Times have changed. Currently, part-time employees feel inferior. Currently, they are at the bottom of the job pyramid in society. But why is that? Why, especially in retail, is the employee that works part-time suddenly shunned? Why is it so bad?

     When I visit a clothing store, I do not disrespect the employees. I do not make a Mount Everest of clothes in the changing room. I do not destroy the perfect display that the employees may have spent a good portion of their shift on. I appreciate them. I hang my clothes back up. I ask politely for help.

     Unfortunately, hardly anyone does this anymore. But I have a dream. I have a dream that one day, customers will acknowledge and appreciate every single "Can I help you with anything?". I have a dream that everytime I greet a customer entering my store, they will say hello back to me and not grunt or ignore me. I have a dream that parents will not let their kids loose like the tazmanian devil in the store, free to lock all the fitting rooms and knock over piles of shoeboxes. I have a dream that customer service will be appreciated. I have a dream that we will be equal.

     When this goal is reached, happiness will be achieved. When this goal is reached, part-time employees will give better customer service because they know their effort is appreciated. When this goal is reached, more people will be able to hold their head up high and say "Yes, my job is part-time and I like it." When this goal is reached, no one will be ashamed of their job.


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